

From its inception, our firm has been involved in complex Chinese and international intellectual property litigation cases. Unitalen has developed winning strategies for successfully litigating intellectual property cases. Our litigation practice ranges from patent litigation concerning the fundamental technology to counseling and litigation involving trade disparagement and libel issues about Internet advertising and domain name selection and challenges.

Our litigation practice area is distinguished its depth and diversity. Our attorneys have extensive experience nationwide and overseas prosecuting and defending patent, trademark, copyright, unfair competition and trade secret matters before courts, arbitration panels and alternative dispute resolution forums. We understand how important it is to explain complex technical issues to judges in ways they can understand, so we use in-house and outside designers to help us get our clients' ideas across in trial graphics and demonstrations. Our litigation practice provides clients with a team of specialized patent attorneys and seasoned litigators to deliver the expertise necessary to understand both legal and technical issues. The firm and clients have found this staffing approach to be very effective and successful in patent litigation and, of course, it has also proven to be more cost efficient.

The protection of intellectual property may require immediate and decisive action. We have successfully stopped infringers by getting temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions.

We represent large, medium and small companies, as well as individual entrepreneurs. Our clients include retailers, manufacturers, advertisers, financial institutions, computer software developers and other high tech companies. This diverse clientele draws us into virtually every type of intellectual property issues, from traditional infringement actions to claims involving the telecommunications and information technologies practice.

We have also have experience in assisting clients to redesign a product to avoid infringement or to obtain a favorable settlement. We have substantial experience in alternative dispute resolution and whenever it is in the clients' best interest we endeavor to avoid litigation. We have been successful in satisfactorily resolving matters outside the court system.

When litigation is needed or contemplated, Unitalen has the requisite experience, expertise, and resources to be highly effective advocates for your cases.

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