

Arbitration is a process by which parties, in the midst of a dispute, defer the decision making function to a person or panel with some expertise in the nature of the dispute. It is an alternative to courts and enjoys the benefits of speed, lower cost, privacy, and the ability to choose a decision maker with some experience in the subject matter at issue. Arbitration decisions may be enforced by the courts in China. Examples of disputes that are often arbitrated include contract actions, real estate matters, employment issues and divorces.

Unitalen Attorneys at Law routinely engages in arbitration, mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution to minimize the cost of litigation. We have several attorneys who frequently litigate cases before arbitrators. These attorneys understand the arbitration process, its practicalities, procedures, forums and methods of enforcement. They are trained and experienced in offering special knowledge in their particular practice area, such as business, real estate, employee and employer relations and family law. 

英山县| 龙山县| 祥云县| 兴和县| 疏勒县| 冕宁县| 寿光市| 驻马店市| 青冈县| 成安县| 和田市| 宣化县| 岗巴县| 涡阳县| 孟村| 德庆县| 长丰县| 讷河市| 炉霍县| 天镇县| 霍山县| 陇西县| 长乐市| 凤阳县| 旌德县| 文山县| 碌曲县| 沧州市| 东海县| 桦南县| 临城县| 乌什县| 城口县| 临泉县| 河东区| 英德市| 宣武区| 临颍县| 恩施市| 商城县| 光山县|