

Bing Xi

Partner/Patent Attorney/US Patent Agent

Practice Area:  Prosecution of patent applications, drafting of application documents and response to OAs etc in the fields of electrics, electronics, communication, computer, network, semiconductor and model computation etc.

Tel: 86-10-59208470 E-mail: bing.xi@unitalen.com   Office: Beijing

Professional Experience

Mr. Xi had worked as a teacher and researcher for nearly 9 years and accumulated extensive experience in the fields of computer modeling and numerical computation.

He joined Unitalen in 2005. He has dealt with a great amount of cases related to prosecution of patent applications, drafting of application documents, response to OAs, reexamination and invalidation and accumulated extensive patent practical experience. He has special experience in patent cases in the US, Europe, Japan etc. 

Education Background

Master of Science in IP Law, the John Marshall Law School
Master of Laws Program in Civil and Commercial Laws, China University of Political Science and Law
Doctor Program in Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University
Master of Science in Engineering, North China Electric Power University
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, North China Electric Power University

Professional Qualification: 

Expert on Training listed in IP Protection Service Experts Database of BPAA

Working Language

Chinese English
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