

Yujing Hou

Partner/Attorney at Law

Practice Area:  Trademark Infringement/Unfair Competition/Patent Infringement/Copyright Infringement/Trademark Determination

Tel: 86-10-85115588 Fax: 86-10-59208730 E-mail: yujing.hou@unitalen.com   Office: Beijing

Professional Experience

Ms. Hou has been engaged in law practicing for nine years since 2005. She is engaged in intellectual property industry and has worked for industrial well-known intellectual property agencies, like Wanhuida, Rouse Corporation and Unitalen as a legal consultant and professional lawyer.In 2018, he was awarded the "Industry Contribution Award" by Beijing Chaoyang District Lawyers Association.

Since her practice, Ms. Hou has organized more than 400 patent infringement lawsuits, trademark infringement lawsuits, unfair competition lawsuits, copyright infringement lawsuits, trademark authorization and affirmation administrative litigation, patent invalidation administrative litigation. She is good at legal research, evidence collection, court debates and reconciliation negotiations.Many of her cases have provided innovative solutions to similar difficult and complex problems. The cases she represents have been selected as "Top Ten" cases or typical cases by the Supreme People's Court and local high people's courts for many times.

In additional to her experience in lawsuit, Ms. Hou has experiences in managing intellectual property for many famous international enterprises . and provides clients with overall strategy and suggestion for the establishment and protection of intellectual property rights and monitors the trademark authorization and determination procedures, patent application and invalidation procedures so as to establish and maintain intellectual property database and evidence library for clients; Ms. Hou is responsible for supervision and coordination among the investigation department, patent department, trademark department and the lawyer's office as well as other departments, fully monitoring the case quality, scheduling and budget revenue and expenditure, in order to provide comprehensive and one-stop intellectual property legal services for clients. 

Education Background

Jilin University, Bachelor of Laws
Jilin University, Master of Laws

Working Language

Chinese English
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