

Mei Lu

Partner/patent agent

Practice Area:  import and export patent applications in the field of electronics, writing of patent application documents, transmission and response of Office Actions, etc.

Tel: 86-29-89585639-8046 E-mail: mei.lu@unitalen.com   Office: Xi’an

Professional Experience

Lu Mei joined Unitalen in 2013, and is responsible for import and export patent applications in the field of electronics, writing of patent application documents, transmission and response of Office Actions, etc. Lu Mei has acted for a large number of Chinese enterprise export patent applications, which are assigned to countries such as the United States, Europe, Germany, Japan, Korea, Brazil, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, Australia, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran, Chile, and Bangladesh. Lu Mei has provided services to many domestic and foreign large enterprise customers, has accumulated rich experience in patent agency business. Patent services relate to the fields of computer technology, communication protocols and communication equipment, image processing, artificial intelligence, etc.

Education Background

Master of Communications and Information Systems, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications
Bachelor of Communications Engineering, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications

Working Language

Chinese English
冀州市| 朝阳区| 武宣县| 阜南县| 介休市| 达日县| 宁化县| 绵阳市| 涪陵区| 八宿县| 大田县| 赤城县| 墨江| 三台县| 射洪县| 阳泉市| 房产| 隆尧县| 枞阳县| 湟中县| 东方市| 弋阳县| 视频| 宁陕县| 收藏| 安康市| 周口市| 新源县| 绥德县| 千阳县| 高雄市| 井研县| 泽州县| 曲水县| 阳春市| 临沧市| 耿马| 闸北区| 大渡口区| 新巴尔虎右旗| 会理县|