

Min Wu

Partner/Patent Attorney

Practice Area:  Patent procurement, reexamination, invalidation, patent analysis and corporate patent consultation in the fields of optics, machinery and semiconductors.

Tel: 86-21-61220360 E-mail: min.wu@unitalen.com   Office: Shanghai

Professional Experience

Wu Min started his career in the R&D of optics-related technologies with main focus on biochip detectors. And then, Wu joined Unitalen in 2006, engaged in drafting patent specification, replying to official opinions, handling reexamination, invalidation, patent infringement analysis and other patent matters in the fields of semiconductor, optics and machinery. He also assists clients in technology mining, helping them understand industry technology trends and development trends to devise patent strategies; and provide patent training to the businesses.

Education Background

Master of Laws in Civil and Commercial Law, East China University of Political Science and Law
Master of Optics, Dalian University of Technology
Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering, Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics.

Working Language

Chinese English
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