
China Supreme Court: Provisions on Publication of Judgments on the Internet

December 16, 2016

During a recent press conference, China Supreme Court introduced the revised“Provisions on the Publication of Judgments on the Internet” to the public, and annouced the debut of China Judgements Online APP.


The revision features the following four measures:

1. to include a broader range of judgements that shall be published;

2. to provide more specific regulations on the conditions in which judgements are not subject to online publication;

3. to further improve the operating procedures of judgements publication;

4. to further emphasize public supervision.


According to the revision, judgements that shall be published include court verdicts, rulings, decisions, dismissal notices of petition, orders of payment, administrative bills of mediation, civil bills of mediation on public interest litigation, as well as other judgements which have the effect of suspending or terminating a litigation procedure, or have impact on the sustantive rights and interests, or significant impact on the procedural rights and interests, of the parties involved. Judgements on cases involving personal privacy shall be published online after removal of contents involving personal privacy. In addition, judgements of the first instance, which have been appealed or protested, shall also be included in the range of publication, and be connected with the second-instance judgement to present the whole picture of the cases.


As known, the daily traffic to China Judgements Online website http://wenshu.court.gov.cn/ has been over 20 million since August 2016 and the volume is growing in trend. As of September 16, there have been over 20 million judgements published online and the overall traffic has surpassed 2 billion with visitors from over 190 countries and areas, among which over 500 million visits are from overseas, with over 100 million visits from North America.



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