
Trademark Office announces Acceptable Names of Goods and Services for Trademark Application

October 20, 2016

In order to facilitate trademark registration, China Trademark Office announced 3 batches of acceptable goods and service names for trademark registration, on July 13, August 23 and September 19 respectively, totaling 3,220 items.

The Chinese versions of the new items can be found in the following links:

1st Batch:http://sbj.saic.gov.cn/tz/201607/W020160713522089272825.xlsx

2nd Batch:http://sbj.saic.gov.cn/tz/201608/W020160824308372317062.xlsx

3rd Batch:http://sbj.saic.gov.cn/tz/201609/W020160920407950702242.xlsx

In correspondence to the most urgent needs of our clients, Unitalen has completed translation of the first-batch items into English. Whoever interested in getting a copy of this, please contact mail@unitalen.com.



旅游| 鄂尔多斯市| 江油市| 香港| 施秉县| 大田县| 宜川县| 芦溪县| 汕头市| 马边| 彰化市| 新丰县| 惠州市| 泰顺县| 阿拉善左旗| 文成县| 唐山市| 无为县| 彰武县| 冕宁县| 新营市| 时尚| 平南县| 新沂市| 平阴县| 兴宁市| 玛多县| 黄陵县| 罗田县| 百色市| 永修县| 准格尔旗| 东台市| 深州市| 光山县| 鲜城| 蒙城县| 金门县| 红桥区| 扬州市| 邓州市|