
China Quality Inspection “Crackdown" RMB6.13 Billion of Couterfeit Goods in 2012

February 16, 2013

On December 28, 2012, China's State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine released the results of the combat against IPR infringement and counterfeit and shoddy goods by the national quality inspection sector in 2012. In these actions, the national quality inspection sector has deployed 2,460,000 person-times enforcement, investigated and handled 161,000 illegal cases, and the value involved amounted to RMB6.13 billion Yuan.

AQSIQ official in charge said that, in 2012, they took away 9,243 factories, investigated and handled 2,084 big cases, and transferred 1,687 cases to the police.

According to the report, in daily routine work, the national quality inspection sector has enhanced the inspection on imported infringement and counterfeit and shoddy goods. In November 2012 alone, 345 batches of imported food and eight batches of imported cosmetics of poor quality were inspected, failing to meet the substandard quality and safety indicators, among which 18 categories of products, mainly involving special food, pastries and biscuits and wines from 32 countries or regions, and the substandard cosmetics involving skin cosmetics, hair cosmetics and other cosmetics from four countries or regions. These imported food and cosmetics were returned or destroyed, which did not enter the domestic market.



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