
Over 800,000 Cases of Copyright Registered in 2012 in China

January 16, 2013

On January 17, it was learned from the National Copyright Administration of China that there were more than 800,000 cases of China's copyright registration in 2012, among which more than 680,000 cases were about works copyright registration, with an increase of nearly 50% from 2011; 140,000 cases were about software copyright registration, achieving a historical height; and 146 cases of copyright pledge right were registered in the whole year, involving 773 cases on software and works, with a total pledge amount of 2.751 billion Yuan.

According to the report, 687,700 pieces of works registration were registered across China in 2012, with an increase of 49.05% from 2011. Beijing ranked first in the national ranking. By the types of works registered, most were photography, text, art, film and television works, while a great breakthrough has been made in registration of audio and video products. In 2012, an amount of 139,200 pieces of software works were registered in China, with an increase of 27.33%, and Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu were among the top five. Among them, the most prominent growth was from cloud computing software registration, with 1946 cases registered last year, an increase of 118.65%. In 2012, the number of copyright registration concerning each type of works increased dramatically, fully reflecting the significant improvement of cultural creativity, the growing public awareness of copyright continues and the increasing copyright-related demand of enterprises on enhancing copyright protection, utilization and management, as well as financing with the copyright as a core asset.

The draft revision of the Copyright Law submitted to the State Council by the State Copyright Bureau has specified the legal effects of copyright registration, stipulating that “the copyright registration documents are the preliminary evidences of the registered particulars".



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