
Chinese ambassador demonstrating IP accomplishments in China

October 23, 2012

A seminar on innovations kicked off in Geneva on October 18th with about one hundred representatives from embassies to the United Nations at Geneva and some international organizations.

As one of the keynote speakers, Chinese Ambassador Liu Zhenmin highlighted the significant progress Chinese government has made in intellectual property protection in recent years. He outlined those accomplishments with ‘3S’ and ‘2P’. 3S referred to services on IP strategies, IP mechanisms and IP applications, while 2P meant intellectual property protection and Chinese participation in international IP sectors.

Liu stressed that China has become an important player in innovation and IP protection which was proved by the fact that China has filed up to 10% of the total international patent applications. He also acknowledged that there was still much room for China to improve in this regard.

With the rapid economic growth, many countries have focused on creation and innovation. According to statistics by the World Intellectual Property Organization, global patent applications in 2010 hit two million.



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