
The First United Purchase Fund on International Video Copyright Launched in China

February 4, 2010
On December 22, 2009, China’s first “United Purchase Fund on International Video Copyright” was launched by Ku6.com and Sohu.com, both of which invested USD 5 million.

According to Li Shanyou, founder of Ku6.com, before this cooperation, Ku6.com had begun to clear out its non-copyrighted overseas videos and has forbidden its users from uploading non-copyrighted videos. Ku6.com also enhanced the supervisory control and shielded all of the non-copyrighted videos.

At the news release conference, Ku6.com co-launched the copyright protection ceremony with more than 100 copyright protection organizations. According to Zhang Chaoyang, Board Chairman of Sohu.com, to support overseas video copyright protection, Sohu.com will invest USD 5 million in a copyright protection fund to purchase movie & TV copyrights from Hollywood in order to protect overseas video copyright.

According to experts, in 2009, learning how to deal with video copyright is the key to keeping the online video industry developing. Content competition will replace user competition and copyright is the core of content. The copyright purchase fund will no doubt promote and enhance the development of the online video industry.



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