
China’s Ministry of Commerce Highlighted IPR for Chinese Enterprises on CeBIT

March 20, 2009
On February 20, 2009, China’s Ministry of Commerce released the Notice on IPR Protection in CeBIT Exhibition in Hanover, Germany to Chinese exhibition enterprises and groups.

The Notice pointed out that in recent years, many Chinese enterprises have been involved in IPR disputes in overseas exhibitions and that some of the exhibition products and related exhibiters were even detained. China’s Ministry of Commerce hoped Chinese enterprise could fully prepare for the CeBIT Exhibition this time.

The Ministry of Commerce and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade will jointly set up service centers for Chinese exhibiters and invite European experts to provide free suggestions for them. The Ministry of Commerce hopes that Chinese exhibiters will pay close attention to IPR and be aware of IPR protection issues. The Notice also pointed out that if exhibiters were involved in IPR disputes, they should ask for help from service centers and cooperate with the local law enforcement agencies.

The CeBIT Exhibition will be held in Hanover, Germany, from March 3-8, 2009.



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