
Taobao.com Decided to Set up Blacklist to Shut out Shops Selling Counterfeits

March 16, 2009
Taobao.com proposed a new policy in February that shops selling counterfeits would be listed on the blacklist once such counterfeiting is confirmed. Additionally, if the amount and value of the counterfeits reach a certain level, then the seller would be banned from Taobao.com for life.

It is said that there are three main ways for Taobao.com to find counterfeit sellers. First, the server system will check automatically. Taobao.com has established a price database. Most of the commodities, such as digital commodities and famous brand bags have a reference price. If the commodities’ price appears to be an anomaly, then they may possibly be counterfeits and the computer will shut them out automatically. Second, Taobao.com has set up a special department consisting of nearly 50 people to check for counterfeits. They search around the clock and stop counterfeits immediately. If the buyers find the commodities are counterfeits, they can complain immediately. Taobao.com will then ask the sellers to provide evidence regarding the source of their products. If the seller cannot give evidence as to the source of the commodities, they will be regarded as counterfeits.

On February 25, a China IP journalist searched for a Louis Vuitton bag on Taobao.com and found 33,183 hits with various prices from dozens of Yuan to thousands of Yuan. When the journalist searched for NIKE sports shoes, 2,254,399 hits appeared, with the lowest price of 25 Yuan. The journalist contacted Taobao.com’s service center and was just told that they were not aware of these counterfeits and had not received any related notice regarding any such counterfeits.



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