
The Press Conference of the 2nd China InternationaElectronic Commerce Exhibition Held in Beijing

November 19, 2008
On November 3, the press conference of the 2nd China International Electronic Commerce Exhibition (e-Commerce Expo 2009) was held in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. The Vice Chairperson of the National People’s Congress (NPC) of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Zhou Tienong, and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Jiang Yaoping attended the conference, as well as nearly 200 representatives from related international organizations, famous foreign and local enterprises of IT & e-commerce industries.

E-Commerce Expo 2009 will be held in Beijing in October 2009. The event will be hosted by Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM). China International Electronic Commerce Center (CIECC) and Capital Exhibition Services will take in charge of show management. With the theme “Summarizing History, Prospecting Future”, the show is targeted to review the 10-year’s glorious achievements of e-commerce industry in China and around the world, display the most advanced results in e-commerce research and application, improve communication and cooperation of the industry and discuss about the future development.

The total exhibition space of this show will exceed 20,000 square meters. The exhibits include e-commerce, e-government, intelligent terminals, software development, multi-media, internet, information security, data acquisition & processing and standardization etc. It is reported that, to make the show the biggest, the most high-end and authoritative event in China’s e-commerce industry, it will invite related international organizations, government organizations, industry associations and global famous MNCs to participate. Meanwhile, local and overseas e-commerce end-users will be invited to visit for business talks and product sourcing.

During the e-Commerce Expo 2009, other activities, such as China E-Commerce Development Achievement Show, E-Commerce Technology Forum, Industry Development & E-Commerce Cooperation Summit and On-line Show etc will also be held concurrently. Among them, the forum and On-line Show are the highlights.

The forum will invite from home and abroad, scientists and representatives from famous IT & e-commerce enterprises to summarize the experience in e-commerce history and discuss about industry trend. At the same time, the APEC ECBA Forum will be held concurrently with the show. The officials and companies from APEC ECBA’s member countries will discuss together on topical issues and thus create a communication platform for both government and enterprise. On-line Show will realize the perfect connection between online & offline and rolling live broadcast. Hence, it will build up a never-ending e-commerce show for its exhibitors.

According to reports, to support the global rapid growth of e-commerce, e-Commerce Expo will be held every second year, aiming to create China’s No.1 e-commerce expo.



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