
The Olympic Symbol and Trademark Protection Press Conference Launched

July 25, 2008
On July 24, 2008, the China Olympic Symbol and Trademark Protection Press Conference was held in the Beijing International Media Center (BIMC).The Deputy-Director of State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Fu Shuangjian, and the Director of the Trademark Office, Li Jianchang attended the Conference and discussed their work relating to the Olympic symbol and trademark protection.

According to Fu Shuangjian’s introduction, from 2004 to the first half of 2008, China had concluded 2,882 cases with a value of 33.97 million Yuan. In the first half of 2008, the Administration for Industry and Commerce had conducted 21,000 illegal trademark cases in which 18,000 involved counterfeit infringement and 4,383 involved foreign trademarks.

Up until the date of the Conference, the Trademark Office had placed 198 Olympic symbols on file, recorded 8 special symbols, and approved registration of the Olympic symbols in 44 classes. The Trademark Office also recorded 605 licensing contracts for participant enterprises’ use of Olympic symbols by Olympic Partners, Beijing 2008 Partners, Beijing Olympic Games Sponsors, exclusive suppliers, and other suppliers. The measure was conducted according to the Olympic Symbol Record and Management Method promulgated by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on April 22, 2002.

Fu Shuangjian stated that with the approach of the Beijing Olympic Games, the Administration for Industry and Commerce would continue to focus on important areas, links, commodities and working stage, and carry out the protection of Olympic symbol exclusive rights thoroughly. After the Olympic Games conclude, they plan to summarize the experience of their Olympic symbol exclusive rights protection and related IP protection at the World Expo in Shanghai.



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