
Tianjin Customs seized 50,000 fake clothes

April 3, 2008
Tianjin Customs recently cracked down the biggest IP infringement case of this year, intercepting nearly 30,000 fake commodities. The seized fake commodities include sports clothes, bags, caps, bearing well-known trademarks like Lining, Adidas, Nike, Levi’s, FERRARI, etc.

Up to now, Tianjin Customs has nabbed totally 50,000 fake vests, sports clothes, caps, bags, involving nine well-known brands like Adidas, Nike, D&G, Gucci, etc.

“As a coastal customs, we will make use of our advantages and strengthen our propaganda and education of IP protection to the public, so as to crack down more infringement cases in China”, said Tianjin Customs.



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