
Sino-Japanese joint press communique: Deepen the cooperation in the field of IPR protection

May 8, 2007
On April 11, 2007, China and Japan co-released a joint press communique in Tokyo according to which the two countries would strive to build a "mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests", and achieve the objectives of mutually beneficial cooperation and common development. The countries will intensify cooperation in the areas of energy, environmental protection, finance, telecommunication and protection of intellectual property rights, enhance and establish mechanism of the cooperation.

Both sides affirmed that they would strengthen dialogue and exchange, enhance mutual understanding, promote the mutually beneficial cooperation and the cooperation in regional and international affairs so as to bulid the reciprocal relationship based on common strategic interests. Both sides agreed that, on the basis of attaining benefit through mutual respect and mbenefit, they would strengthen dialogue and cooperation in the field of intellectual property rights, constantly upgrade the standards for the application and protection of intellectual property rights, and promote the progress of economic cooperation between Japan and China.



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