
Electrolux appealed to Zhejiang High People’s Court against the decision on infringement of Shuaikang’s Patent Right

March 29, 2007
In March 2007, Ningbo Immediate People’s Court made a judgment that the cooking utensils manufactured and sold by Electrolux (China) Co. contains the valve regulating devices falling into the scope of protection under Patent No. ZL01 220334.3, which constitutes patent infringement to Shuaikang’s Patent Right and should undertake corresponding civil liability. According to the latest news, Ms. Zhang Xiaoqi, Chief of Electrolux’s public relation affairs told the China Business News that Electrolux has appealed to Zhejiang People’s High Court against the judgement of first instance by Ningbo Immdiate People’s Court and has been notified to appear in second instance subject the high court’s acceptance of the appeal.



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