
Beijing Basic-Level Court set up three new IP Tribunals on March 6, 2007

March 29, 2007
From March 6, 2007 on, three basic-level courts in Dongcheng District, Xicheng District and Fengtai District of Beijing can accept part of IP civil dispute cases. Hence, Beijing basic-level court IP Tribunals increase to five based on the existing two in Chaoyang District and Haidian District. A new situation of “three-level courts, eight IP tribunals” has been formed in Beijing IP adjudication. The eight IP tribunals includes three in Beijing People’s High Court and two Intermediate Courts and five in basic-level courts. The IP tribunals in basic-level court have the right to hear all kinds of IP civil dispute cases except on patent, new plant variety and layout-design of integrated circuits, which is different from the IP Tribunals in High Court and Intermediate Court in term of the type of cases that can be accepted.



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