
Registered Trademarks in China Reach up to 2.76 Millions

February 12, 2007
According to the latest statistics of State Administration for Industry and Commerce (the “SAIC” ), the number of trademark applications for registration received by the Trademark Office exceeded 700 thousands and that of the approved trademarks reached 260 thousand during the year of 2006. As a result, the amount of registered trademarks in China has totaled 2,760 thousands.

In 2006, the Administrations for Industry and Commerce at all levels in China had been continuing the campaign of trademark protection. Actions against trademark infringements have been strengthened constantly, with the wholesale and retail markets focused by domestic and foreign public being rectified. At the same time, the recognition and protection of well-known trademarks have been enhanced, with 180 well-known marks recognized by SAIC during the year of 2006. AIC at all levels have investigated and dealt with 33,900 trademark infringement cases, among which 7439 cases concerned foreign trademarks and 111 cases were transferred to the judicial authorities for further actions. The legal rights and interests of trademark owners are secured properly, and the market environment has been improved well.



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