
The State Administration for Industry and Commerce of China (SAIC) had 106 marks Recognized as Well-known Trademarks in the Second Half of 2006

October 31, 2006
There are totally 106 marks which were recognized as well-known trademarks by the SAIC in the second half of the year 2006. Among them, 83 trademarks were recognized by the Trademark Office under SAIC from the trademarks administration cases raised by the provincial authorities of administration for industry and commerce, and four trademarks were from trademark opposition cases, and 19 trademarks came from cases of trademark disputes by the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB).

According to the type of the trademark, 106 well-known trademarks can be divided into two parts: 101 goods trademarks and 5 service trademarks. 100 well-known trademarks were registered by Chinese enterprises and 6 trademarks were registered by foreign enterprises, namely three Japanese enterprises, one German, one Swiss and one Thai. As for 100 Chinese enterprises, there are 95 belonging to the mainland, two from Hong Kong, another two from Taiwan. There are 61 well-known trademarks relating to exporting goods and 24 trademarks relating to agricultural products.

The six well-known foreign trademarks are “Panasonic”, “HONDA” and “豐田”from Japan, “NESCAFE” from Switzerland, “保時捷” from Germany and “紅?!?from Thailand respectively.



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