
Netac Sued PNY for Patent Infringement Demanding Compensation of Hundreds of Millions of U.S. Dollars

March 10, 2006
A new round of wave took place in relation to a lawsuit for patent infringement on flash-memory storage devices. On February 16, 2006, Netac declared in Beijing that they filed a lawsuit against PNY Technologies in the United States on February 10, 2006. Before that, Netac also sued Beijing Huaqi Information Digital Technology Co. Ltd. on the ground of patent infringement, which case is currently at the stage of the final instance.

It was said that Netac formally filed the lawsuit on February 10, 2006, of the local time in the United States. Netac claimed that PNY Technologies, as one of the leading designer and manufacturer of memory upgrade products for computers, had infringed on Netac’s patent of US6829672. Netac requested PNY to stop infringement and pay compensation for Netac’s economic loss.



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