
UK Patent Office Releases New IP Figures in Northern Ireland

November 23, 2004
UK Patent Office Releases New IP Figures in Northern Ireland
The UK Patent Office has announced that the number of patents granted to businesses and individuals in the Northern Ireland was 13 in 2003, according to the Patent Office Facts and Figures booklet 2003-2004.

Businesses in the region have also registered 120 trademarks, an increase from 103 in 2002, to protect the identities of their businesses and products. There were also 15 design registrations for the look of their products.

The Office has recently launched the ‘What is the Key’ campaign to help Northern Ireland businesses profit from the intellectual property (IP) that they own such as patents, trademarks and design registrations.

Partners in the initiative are the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents (CIPA) and the Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (ITMA). The UK Patent Office is encouraging businesses in the region to register at the website for more information on how to use their assets strategically and to receive details of special seminars in their area.

The next event will take place November 30 at the Northern Ireland Science Park in Belfast.

"It is becoming increasingly important that businesses realize how to use their intellectual property to increase profits and expand their operations. The most business savvy organizations are capitalizing on these assets to strike up new deals and collaborate with new partners. The days of ignoring your IP or what your competitors are doing with their IP are gone," said Director of Trademarks and Design at the UK Patent Office, Robin Webb.



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