
IPR Campaign in Beijing

September 6, 2004
IPR Campaign in Beijing
Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce has launched a one-year IPR protection campaign to strengthen public awareness of renowned brand products. 168 adverts of renowned brands have been furnished at crucial commercial venues like garment stores and small-size commodity markets around the city.



阜南县| 红桥区| 文昌市| 南和县| 微博| 巴林右旗| 榆林市| 镇原县| 阿拉善盟| 永丰县| 兴化市| 赤峰市| 紫云| 柘城县| 镇坪县| 高陵县| 海城市| 璧山县| 固原市| 吴忠市| 武定县| 肃北| 左云县| 芒康县| 咸阳市| 定兴县| 夏河县| 遵化市| 杂多县| 舒城县| 泰来县| 大城县| 越西县| 潮州市| 满洲里市| 隆回县| 内江市| 岐山县| 江华| 阿克苏市| 永康市|