
TCL Gains Strong Position on International Li-Ion Battery Market

July 26, 2004
TCL Gains Strong Position on International Li-Ion Battery Market
In recent years Chinese polymeric lithium batteries producer TCL completed the whole process from technology innovation to large-scale production of polymer lithium-ion batteries, and quickly became a leader in the industry.

TCL Hyperpower Batteries Inc. was set up in 1999, and is currently a forerunner in domestic research and application in the polymer lithium-ion battery industry, with its yearly production capacity of more than 60 mln. It is not only China’s leader, but also the world’s third leader after SONY and Samsung.

Since the very start of enterprise, TCL has been centering on technology and research, thus gaining numerous achievements (including its own patented technology and trademark), and breaking the Japanese and Korean producer’s monopoly market position. Its integrated production of polymer lithium-ion batteries shows it can compete with Japanese companies in terms of quality, and has overhauled many competitors in respect of electrochemical potential, energy density, high and low temperature discharge etc.



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