
Unitalen Ranked in Gold Band by WTR1000 in 2016 Again

January 4, 2017

World Trademark Review (WTR), the renowned global IP media, has recently announced its 2016 global outstanding trademark agencies ranking. Unitalen, again as in the past few years, is one of the five Gold Band agencies in China territory, with “Trademark Prosecution and Strategy” ranked in Tier 1 and “Trademark Protection and Litigation” in Tier 2.

Meanwhile in the individual awards, our attorneys Mr. Yongbo Li and Mr. Lei Zhao are recognized as outstanding individuals in “Trademark Protection and Litigation”. Mr. Lei Zhao is also recognized as outstanding individual in “Trademark Prosecution and Strategy”, along with our other two lawyers - Ms. Dan Chen and Ms. Ying Huang. WTR thinks highly of their performance and capability.

WTR1000 is a directory that includes trademark law firms from more than 60 juridical territories around the world. Its review is done through collecting statistics and interviews with practitioners and clients for many times. It serves as a guiding reference for global trademark practitioners and business IP strategy decision-makers.



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