
Unitalen successfully co-organized the reception dinner of International Trademark Association

April 15, 2013

On the afternoon of March 26, 2013, the reception dinner of International Trademark Association, hosted by International Trademark Association (INTA) and co-organized by Unitalen, was successfully held at Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Beijing. Mr. Alan C Drewsen, CEO of International Trademark Association, led the high-level delegation of the board attended. More than 200 guests joined in the event, such as the representatives of the state administration for industry and commerce, general administration of customs, Chinese trademark association and intellectual property office and persons in charge of intellectual property of domestic and foreign enterprises etc.

First, the host and co-organizer delivered speeches for the reception respectively. Mr. Alan C Drewsen, CEO of International Trademark Association, appreciated the exchanges and cooperation of International Trademark Association and related government authorities of China for nearly a decade, and the support of Chinese law firms and enterprise members for the International Trademark Association. He then hoped more Chinese enterprises could build broader and deeper cooperation in the field of trademark through through INTA platform. On behalf of co-organizer of the reception, Mrs Chen Dan, Unitalen’s partner and senior trademark attorney, made a wonderful speech, sharing her experiences and achievements during participation of International Trademark Association with sweet and moving stories, and touching the present guests and highlighting the party.



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