
Unitalen donates to offspring of Beijing prisoners

January 4, 2008
On December 10, 2007, representatives of Unitalen sent 20 chairs and 40 tables to children in the Sun Village, residence of offspring of jailed people in Beijing.

Sun Village, short for Beijing Sun Village Research Center of Aid to Exceptional Children, was established in Banqiao Village of Beijing’s northeastern district of Shunyi in December 2000.

As a non-profit charitable organization, the village provides free caring, education and medical services to the kids of convicts by means of self-financing.

The village helps to ensure a sound life for the children, whose parents are serving sentences. At present, the oldest villager here is 18 years old and the youngest is just a new-born baby.

Unitalen hopes the donation could help the children to “have a happy childhood and a shining future”. Unitalen said it just performed its social responsibility and expressed its best wishes and concerns to the kids.



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