
China Announces Results of Top Ten Cases on Foreign Related Trademark Infringements

July 9, 2007
On June 12, 2007, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the State Council Information Office held news conference, announcing the results of the most typical ten cases on protection of foreign related trademark rights handled by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce in the year 2006, highlighting the firm determination of the Chinese government in terms of the protection of IPR.

The ten cases include: “ADIDAS” handled by Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce Zhabei Branch; “ALFLOW” handled by Kunshan Administration for Industry and Commerce; “BOSS” handled by Guangzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce Liwan Branch; “MONTAGUT” and “PLAYBOY” handled by Chongqing Administration for Industry and Commerce Yuzhong District Branch; “SPALDING” handled by Zhengzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce; “世界經(jīng)理人” handled by Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce Haidian Branch; “OLDNO7BRAND” handled by Guangzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce Yuexiu Branch; “Crocodile Device” handled by Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce Haidian Branch; “KG” handled by Ningbo Administration for Industry and Commerce Cixi Branch ; “YVESSAINTLAURENT” handled by Wenzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce Ouhai Branch.

The illegal turnover which can be definitely calculated in the ten cases is over RMB1.53 million. The State Administration for Industry and Commerce imposed administrative punishment against the relevant infringing companies and individuals demanding them to stop the infringements immediately and confiscating all the goods or magazines bearing the infringing trademarks and imposing a fine. Over 0.18 million infringing goods and about 400 magazines were confiscated. The total fine reached RMB 2.73 million. The highest fine for one single case is RMB 0.93 million.

Mr. Dongsheng Li, deputy director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, said at the news conference that the protection of trademarks is an important aspect of IPR protection. The State Administration for Industry and Commerce, as an important component of “dual-track” system protection with Chinese characteristics, plays an active role in the trademark protection.



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