
Unitalen Won Dispute over Trademark Weiwei again

February 12, 2007
After rejection of the trademark dispute lodged by Beijing Jingdu Weiwei Beauty Scientific and Technological Development Co. (hereinafter refers to Jingdu Weiwei) against Shenyang Weiwei Beauty Co. (hereinafter refers to Shenyang Weiwei) on April 19, 2006, Jingdu Weiwei filed a lawsuit against the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (the TRAB) and Unitalen sat for Shenyang Weiwei as the third party.

Recently, Beijing No.1 Intermediate People’s Court made a judgment of first instance, rejecting again the claims of Jingdu Weiwei and maintaining the Decision on Dispute over Trademark No.1651834 “京都薇薇JINGDUWEIWEI” made by the TRAB on August 9, 2006.

(For more details, please contact Unitalen Attorneys at Law )



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