
Unitalen Succeeds in a 4-year Battle Safeguarding Trademark Rights of Shenyang Weiwei Beauty Care Co. Ltd.

July 6, 2006
Recently, a 4-year trademark dispute between Shenyang Weiwei Beauty Care Co. Ltd and Beijing Jingdu Weiwei Beauty Care Science and Technology Development Co. Ltd has come to an end. Beijing People’s High Court makes the final verdict, refuting the appeal request of Beijing Jingdu Weiwei, annulling the No. 0532 decision made by the Chinese Trademark Review and Adjudication, wherein the trademark registration of JINGDUWEIWEI was maintained, and ordering the TRAB make a decision anew to cancel the trademark registration. With the legal assistance of Unitalen, Shenyang Weiwei Beauty Care Co. Ltd finally ended the 4-year period trademark defense battle.

On May 23, 2006, Unitalen Attorneys at laws assisted Shenyang Weiwei Beautycare Co. Ltd in holding a press conference. Reporters from well-known Chinese medias, namely, CCTV, China Industry and Commerce News, China IP News, Chinese Consumer Journal, China Youth Daily, Beijing Youth Daily, Beijing Evening News, China Business Herald News, Legal Daily, Beijing Times, China Times, Beijing News and Famous Brand Times, showed up and gathered news form Mr. Junshan Zhang, General Director of Shenyang Weiwei Beauty Care Co. Ltd and Mr. Yazhou Zhang, lawyer from Unitalen.



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