
Trademark “QUIKE” is determined as a well-known mark through the lawsuit in which Unitalen Attorneys at Law acted on behalf of the trademark owner

August 23, 2005
On August 18,2005, Haikou Intermediate People’s Court made the judgement, in which Jianjun Yuan (hereinafter referred to as “the defendant”)’s use of “QUIKE” on “paper-made products” was deemed as the infringement of the legitimate trademark right of Asia Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd (Hainan) (hereinafter referred to as “the plaintiff”) with respect to its Chinese registration  for the mark “QUIKE” used for the product “capsules for the treatment of flu with fast effect” in class 5. In the judgment, the trademark “QUIKE” owned by the plaintiff was determined as a well-known mark. As the attorneys of the plaintiff, Futang Dai and Yazhou Zhang from Unitalen Attorneys at Law submitted forty-three pieces of evidences to the court to prove that “QUIKE” is highly reputable to the public. These evidences were ultimately accepted by the court due to their objectivity and accuracy. Furthermore, after the hearing, the two attorneys submitted to the court elaborate pleadings with plentiful arguments to support the allegations of the plaintiff.



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