
Unitalen – IPR Consultant of International Optics Fair

September 21, 2004
Unitalen – IPR Consultant of International Optics Fair
The 17th China International Optics Fair organized by China Optometric & Optical Association (COOA) will be open on September 22 at China International Exhibition Center in Beijing. About 670 enterprises from 16 countries and regions have signed up for participation, and will exhibit their products in the 35000-sqm International Hall. The exhibition area is much larger compared to previous years, and it is ranking Asia’s first among other professional optics fairs.

Unitalen Attorneys at Law, China’s leading and internationally operating professional IPR agent, was entrusted by COOA to act as IPR consultant, offering legal services and on-the-spot IPR dispute settlement to all the participants at the Fair.

Unitalen’s involvement with the Fair indicates growing IPR protection concerns in domestic optics industry. Unitalen will do its best in offering efficient legal advice to all the participating enterprises.



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