
Unitalen Attorney Leo Li interviewed by China Industry & Commerce News (CICN) , Beijing Youth and Beijing Times

June 11, 2004
Unitalen Attorney Leo Li interviewed by China Industry & Commerce News (CICN) , Beijing Youth and Beijing Times
Simultaneously with the Chinese media information attack on Zhang Yimou’s film “House of Flying Daggers”, the title of the film itself also received additional attention recently. However, a company producing tourist iceboxes and cool mats for Jiangjun cars was the first to register the “House of Flying Daggers” trademark. The trademark application has been already accepted and handled by the Chinese Trademark Office as of June 10. Evidently, the company intends to use the film title to strengthen and develop its market position.

China Industry and Commerce News, Beijing Youth, Beijing Times etc media, interviewed trademark agent Leo Li, Vice Director of Unitalen Attorneys at Law, on this matter. He presented some details about the registration of the trademark and alerted Chinese TV and cinema producers on paying more attention to the protection of their product rights.

The article with the interview appeared in the media on June 11.



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