
China Customs Strengthens International Cooperation in IPR Protection and Crack Down on Cross-border Trade involving Infringement

May 2, 2017

In recent years, China Customs has been strengthening international cooperation for the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR), and implementing systemized fights against cross-border trade involving infringement, effectively curbing the proliferation of transnational illegal activities.


According to the Deputy Director of China General Administration of Customs, the international cooperation on IPR protection currently carried out by China Customs is performed on three levels: 1) established cooperation with more than 130 countries and regions, with more than 190 cooperation agreements signed, including the special IPR enforcement memorandums with the United States, the European Union, Russia, Japan, South Korea and other related countries and regions; 2) actively participate in the IP affairs undergoing within the framework of the major multilateral organizations, e.g. World Intellectual Property Organization, Interpol (International Police) and Shanghai Cooperation Organizations; and 3)  strenghen communication and cooperation with the IPR industry, and concluded cooperation memorandums with International Trademark Association, the American Film Association, as well as other international trade associations and civil bodies.


China Customs’promotion of IPR protection has been highly recognized by the international community.The Global Anti-Counterfeiting Alliance and Interpol had honored China Customs with "International Intellectual Property Crime Investigation Cooperation Award" and "The World's Best Anti-Counterfeit Institution Award " respectively.

 (Source: Economic Information Daily)



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