
The Supreme Court: Judicial Protection of IPR in China 2016 Report

July 13, 2017

According to the "Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Right (IPR) in China (2016)" report recently published by Supreme People's Court, during 2016 Chinese courts at various levels received 8352 first-instance criminal cases involving IPR, down 23.9%; concluded 8,601 first-instance criminal cases involving IPR, down 20.43%; and gave 10,334 criminal penalties, down 17.85%.


It is also reported that in 2016, the number of IPR judicial cases continued to grow, with the total of 17.7 million IPR cases received, including first instance, second instance, retrial and other types, and more than 171,000 concluded, up 19.07% and 20.86% respectively. Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangdong continued to operate at high speed, receiving 70.37% of the nationwide IPR cases.



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