
China Ministry of Commerce and EC Cosigned for IP Cooperation

July 13, 2017

During the 19th China-EU Leaders' meeting, the Ministry of Commerce of China and the European Commission cosigned the "Administrative Arrangements for ‘IP Key China’ IP Cooperation between the Ministry of Commerce of China and EU Commission” and “Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Commerce of China and the Directorate General of Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission on Cooperation and Protection of Geographical Indications (GI) " on June 2 in Brussels.

The two sides will carry out the fourth phase of IP cooperation project "IP Key China" from September 2017 to August 2021, to continue cooperation in IP legislation and law enforcement, corporate IP risk prevention, international IP rules and so on.

Both China and the EU economics are with rich GI resources. It’s of great significance to deploy cooperation in the protection of GIs so as to expand the trade scale of products with GIs and sustain healthy and stable development of China-EU economic and trade relations. The leaders of both sides welcomed the progress of the negotiations so far and called for the end of negotiations in 2017. On June 3, the two sides agreed each other to announce their GIs name list in accordance with their own laws in an agreed manner and expressed will to speed up the progress to reach an agreement.




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