
Chinese IP Infringement Cases Withdrawal Rate Released

September 13, 2017

On July 5, 2017, the Supreme People's Court issued "Judicial Data Report on Intellectual Property Infringement", which shows that from 2015 to 2016, IP infringement cases are mainly closed by withdrawal, accounting for 50.88% of the total.


According to statistics, the number of IP infringement cases nationwide shows an upward trend, the number of 2016 is up 41.34% from that of 2015. Among the cases of 2016, copyright infringement, trademark infringement and patent infringement accounted for 50.20%, 34.17% and 15.63% respectively. Guangdong, Beijing and Zhejiang concluded the largest number of cases. 28 countries are found involved in the IPR infringement cases, among which, US, France and Germany are with the most cases.


The Report also shows that the average trial cycle for IP infringement cases is 105 days, and only 7.93% of the IP infringement cases had the plaintiff's claim all supported.



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