
Unitalen Selected as "2016 China Top Ten IP Litigation Agencies"

September 13, 2017

June 23, 2017, IP House "2016 China Top Ten IP Litigation Agencies Award Conference" was held in Beijing. Unitalen litigation team was selected among Top Ten China IP Litigation Agency and Top Ten China Trademark Administrative Litigation Agency.

The sample data for this list comes from the IP verdicts concluded by Chinese courts from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016, which is processed with use of IP House’s big data tagging to collect data such as case volume, success rate, clients reputation, agency history and typical cases selected, and then come up with the cumulative score in accordance with the weight of each factor from high to low

Unitalen’s overall strength in IP litigation has also benn highly recognized by the highest judicial authorities. Several attorneys and agents were appointed as consulting committee experts for the Supreme Court IP Case Directive Research Base in Beijing.



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