
SIPO: Unified PPH Request Form Adopted by 19 Participating Offices

October 21, 2017

To facilitate applicants to submit PPH (patent prosecution highway) request, all PPH offices joined SIPO’s proposal and completed the “unified PPH request form” project, which had come up with a unified PPH request form template that serves as reference for all offices.


As of June 30, 2017, the unified template has been adopted by 19 PPH participating IP offices including China, European Community, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Israel, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Australia, USA, Russia, Canada, Denmark, UK, Korea, Japan and Egypt.


At this point, the PPH request forms submitted by applicants to the PPH participating offices of the above countries or regions, although in different language versions, have similar layout and items, thus facilitating the submission of application and materials preparation for the applicants.



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