
CTMO: Filing Receipts to be Available Online Within 1 Month from Application

December 28, 2017

On November 17, 2017, China Trademark Office issued “Opinions on Deepening Reform of Trademark Registration Facilitation and Raising Efficiency of Trademark Registration” (hereinafter referred to as “the Opinions”), featuring the following:


1. By the end of 2018:

  • The period for issuing filing receipts for trademark registration applications will be shortened to 1 month;
  • The period for examination of trademark applications will be shortened to 6 months;
  • the period for examination of trademark assignment applications will be shortened to 4 months;
  • the period for examination of trademark modification or renewal applications will be shortened to 2 months; and
  • the blind period for trademark search will be shortened to 2 months.


2. By the end of the first half of 2018, filing receipts for trademark registration applications will be issued by email and available for printing online by the interested party.


3. Promote the use of electronic means for serving documents ...Provide SMS and Email notification service, to replace or optimize issuance of paper documents.


4. Accelerate the constructing project for online filing of trademark review, opposition and non-use cancellation, etc.


5. Study possible reform of trademark opposition and review procedure, and the feasibility of shortening the 3-month statutory opposition period to 2 months.


6. Explore strengthening use requirement of registered trademarks, discuss the establishment of ex officio cancellation system against idled registered trademarks, as well as raised obligation for trademark registrant to provide evidence of use after certain period of registration and at renewal.


For the full article of the Opinions in Chinese, please visit here.



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