
31 Patents Represented by Unitalen Won China Patent Awards Issued by CNIPA and WIPO

January 22, 2019

The 20th China Patent Award Presentation Ceremony co-organized by National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) was held in Beijing in December 2018.


During this session, 30 Chinese Patent Gold Awards, 10 Chinese Design Gold Awards, 59 Chinese Patent Silver Awards, 15 Chinese Design Silver Awards, 695 Chinese Patent Excellence Awards, and 61 Chinese Design Excellence Awards were selected. 31 patents represented by Unitalen Agency were awarded, among which, the invention patent of “a Data Security Exchange Method, Device, Node and System” of the People's Liberation Army Information Engineering University won Patent Gold Award; 3 invention and utility model patents won Patent Silver Award, and 27 invention and utility model patents won Excellence Award.


China Patent Award is the highest award in the field of Chinese patents, which is jointly issued by the CNIPA and the WIPO.



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