
Unitalen Cases Selected into “2018 Top 10 IP Cases” by Beijing and Suzhou Higher People’s Courts Respectively

May 30, 2019

Approaching the World IP Day on April 26th, the Higher People's Courts issued their Top 10 IP right protection cases in 2018 one after another. Unitalen had the following 2 cases selected into “Top 10 Cases of IP Judicial Protection of Beijing Courts in 2018” and “Top 10 Cases of IP Judicial Protection of Jiangsu Courts in 2018 respectively:




江津市| 沛县| 玉林市| 昌都县| 牙克石市| 南充市| 邵阳市| 西贡区| 柳河县| 古丈县| 祁门县| 鲁甸县| 平顶山市| 台中市| 双鸭山市| 沅陵县| 武冈市| 炎陵县| 类乌齐县| 辽阳市| 剑川县| 新竹市| 田东县| 贵州省| 浦北县| 兴和县| 天全县| 明星| 南川市| 永寿县| 科尔| 阿尔山市| 汤阴县| 崇左市| 枣阳市| 衡南县| 瓦房店市| 聂拉木县| 类乌齐县| 涡阳县| 永济市|