
Unitalen at 2019 China Trademark Festival

August 17, 2019

Hosted by China Trademark Association, the 2019 China Trademark Festival was held on July 6 in Yinchuan.


Unitalen Received Awards at the Festival

On the evening of July 5th, Unitalen received several awards at the high-profile trademark festival award ceremony, including the “2019 Excellent Trademark Agency Award”, the “2019 Excellence Contribution Award for Brand and Trademark Development, and the newly added "Golden Trademark Attorney" honor list, in which, 4 Unitalen attorneys – Zhu Gangqin, Du Yanxia, Qin Lili and Chang Hao, were selected for the outstanding professional performance.

On July 6th, Unitalen won another award at the Trademark Typical Case Analysis Forum, with our “Good Voice” trademark invalidation administrative case awarded as “2018-2019 Excellent Trademark Agency Case”.


Unitalen Session at the Festival –Discussions on the Regulations Concerning the Abuse of Trademark Right


On July 6, the “Unitalen Session: The Regulatory Mechanism and Utilization Strategy for the Abuse of Trademark Rights in China”, sponsored by the China Trademark Association and co-organized by Unitalen, was successfully held at the Yinchuan International Exchange Center Hotel.

The session was chaired by Yu Hui, Dean of Zhongguancun Vision IP Innovation Research Institute. Pan Wei, the assistant to the Presiding Judge of the IP Court of the Beijing Higher People's Court, Wang Jihong, the Director of the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board, Ailing, Partner of MLL Business Law Firm, Hou Yujing, Partner of Unitalen Law Firm, Zhou Liting, Judge of the Beijing IP Court delivered speeches surrounding the topics of “Legal Regulations on the Abuse of Trademark Rights”, “Provisions on the Abuse of Trademark Rights in the Review Procedure”, “the Legal Framework for the EU to Handle Malicious Trademark Registration”, “the Abuse of Regulatory Rights” and “the Relationship between the Civil Relief Procedure for the Abuse of Trademark Right and the Invalidation of Trademarks Suspected of Abuse”. After 3 hours of heated discussion, the session was successfully concluded.



Unitalen Partner Gave Keynote Speech at Trademark Juridical Protection Forum to Discuss Issues of Infringement Indemnity Calculation


On July 8, the final forum of the 2019 China Trademark Festival themed on the "Trademark Judicial Protection" was held. It carried out in-depth discussions on the revision of trademark law and the issues of tort liability and indemnity amount calculation. Zhang Yazhou, Unitalen partner, was invited to give a keynote speech at the forum.

Mr. Zhang shared his insights on the topic of “difficulties and solutions in the calculation of indemnity amount in trademark infringement cases” with study of the cases handled by himself, to reflect on the provisions of the Trademark Law against evidence spoliation in regards of solving the indemnity calculation issue. It’s also mentioned by Zhang that, with the rapid development of e-commerce, more merchandise sales transferred from offline to online, which also provides great convenience for the right holder to obtain evidence of the sales volume of infringing goods.

Other keynote speakers at the Forum include the judges from the IP Court of the Shanghai Higher People’s Court, the IP Court of the Zhejiang Higher People's Court,the IP Court of the Jiangsu Higher People’s Court and the Professor of Sun Yat-Sen University Law School.



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