
Unitalen Partner Invited to Deliver Keynote Speech at the Forum of the China International Software Expo

August 17, 2019

On June 29, Ge Xiaomei, Unitalen partner, was invited to deliver a keynote speech at one of the focus forums of the 23rd China International Software Expo - "the Hot Issues of IP Judicial Protection of Software Industry”.


Mrs. Ge shared her view on the topic of “Software Trade Secret Protection” based on her rich experience and innovative practices in the field of unfair competition concerning IP, in combination with case studies to analyze the impact of the newly revised rules of evidence on the identification of trade secret infringement, and puts forward some specific suggestions for the construction of IP protection system in software business based on the characteristics of the industry.


Other keynote speakers of the Forum include the judges from the IP Tribunal of the Supreme People's Court, the IP Court of the Beijing Higher People's Court, and the Deputy Director the Electrical Appeals Division of the Review and Invalidation Review Department of the Patent Office.



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