
WIPO Member State Meeting Found New High in International Treaties Added

November 14, 2019

At the 59th WIPO Member States Meeting recently held, more than 1,200 delegates from WIPO's 193 Member States gathered to discuss and reach consensus on a wide range of topics, such as the WIPO work plan for 2020-2021 and the related budgets. The number of international treaties added, which will be managed by WIPO, has reached a new high. During the meeting, 7 Member States had submitted 11 letters of accession or ratification.


Vietnam has joined the international industrial design system and became the 61st member of the Hague System. Samoa has joined “the Patent Cooperation Treaty”, “the Hague Agreement”, and “the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and GI”; Trinidad and Tobago joined “the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances” and became the 28th member, which will be able to enter into force after 30 members have joined. (Source: China Intellectual Property News)




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