
Unitalen Awarded as “2019 Outstanding IP Service Team” by China IP Magazine

February 17, 2020

On January 11, the "10th China IP New Year Forum and 2020 China IP Managers Annual Meeting" organized by the "China Intellectual Property" magazine was held in Beijing. Unitalen received the honor of "2019 China Outstanding IP Service Team" with its efficient team operation, professional and high-quality legal services, and rich IP practice experience.



安康市| 锦屏县| 鸡西市| 德庆县| 绥江县| 视频| 阿克苏市| 永丰县| 甘肃省| 象山县| 大余县| 岱山县| 吉林省| 平遥县| 梁河县| 合作市| 大庆市| 武汉市| 新平| 资阳市| 平陆县| 康平县| 竹溪县| 临高县| 黄石市| 蕉岭县| 阜新市| 江山市| 锦州市| 丰原市| 连平县| 即墨市| 襄汾县| 九龙城区| 光泽县| 天门市| 伊吾县| 九台市| 凤台县| 兴安县| 勐海县|