
China and Poland Piloted IP Support Liaison Program

October 28, 2020

Recently, the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and the Polish Patent Office (PPO) decided to jointly launch a pilot project of the “China-Poland Liaison Program”.

The two offices will each designate an IP liaison officer to provide consulting services on IP issues involved in Chinese companies' business in Poland and Polish companies in China, and to provide support for companies from both countries to obtain effective IP protection.

In the trial period, if Chinese companies have any relevant enquiries, they can contact the IP Liaison Officer of CNIPA. The contact information is as follows:

Contact: Zhao Qing

Email: zhaoqing@cnipa.gov.cn

Polish companies can contact the IP Liaison Officer of the Polish Patent Office for any relevant enquiries. The contact information is as follows:

Contact: Ms. Sylwia CAPIGA-WILEWSKA

Email: Sylwia.Capiga-Wilewska@uprp.gov.pl

The "China-Poland Liaison Mechanism" pilot project is expected to last for one year, from October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021.

(Source: CNIPA website)



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