
Unitalen Senior Partner Invited to Host China Fashion IP Conference and Appointed as Member of the Expert Advisory Committee

November 25, 2020

On October 31, the China Fashion Industry IP Conference co-hosted by the China Trademark Association and the China Fashion IP Protection Center of the China Fashion Designers Association was held in Beijing. Unitalen Senior Partner, Zhao Lei was invited to attend and act as the host of the conference.

This conference coincided with the first anniversary of the establishment of the China Fashion IP Protection Center. The conference shared the work results of the center and released the future development plan. More than 30 prominent guests of fashion groups, leading online and offline platforms, IP law firms and media from home and abroad, plus more than 150 fashion industry professionals gathered together to share their eexperience in the protection of IP rights in fashion industry, and conduct in-depth discussion on how original fashion brands can make good use of IP to enhance their market competitiveness, as well as how to reduce trade frictions by building a cohesive IP system.

It’s also announced at the conference the establishment of the Working Committee of the China Fashion Industry IP Protection Center. Mr. Zhao Lei, on behalf of Unitalen, received the letter of appointment as the member of the Expert Advisory Committee.



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